Sunday, August 25, 2013

Murder Mystery, part 1

Dear fellow party members, please find below my notes on the murder of our faction members and the member of the Godsmen.


Cast of characters

Kylie, the kinky-haired tout
Grand Factol - leader of the Athar
Hobard - the librarian of the Athar
Lord Kayleen - Factotem of the athar, our original Athar contact.  He is the 
Old Favur - Member of Godsmen, dead by murder
Kellock the Grey - Member of Athar, dead by murder
Vianna the barriar - Member of Athar, dead by murder
Artema, a namer

Kuarri the Ancient - a tiefling, was nearby for the murder of Vianna, but did not have much information
Defiant Munrot - a halfling, was nearby for the murder of Viana and claims to have information, but we can not corroborate any information and he seems to only lie.  He is a non-functioning drunk.


Audience with Grand Factol

We met with our Grand Factol, who had the following to say:

"It seems that someone is murdering people who have an inclination toward law and order.  The murders have been taking place in the Lady's Ward and Lower ward.

First body found a week ago by the hardheads (police).  That was Old Favur, of the Godsmen.  He was found in his hovel in the lower ward.  This is the first murder we know of.

Our faction lost Kellock the Grey and Vianna a bariar woman.

Kellock was found near the Shattered Temple.  He was in his room."

(No information was given about Vianna the bariar, but we later learned she was killed in the Athar bunkhouse in her room.)


Speaking with Artema

Factol suggests we speak with Artema, who has heard many rumors.  Artema says the following, which is not trustworthy information according to her:

"Of the three bodies, each has had the blood drained from it.  Each crime scene has been remarkably clean of blood.  Each victim was discovered with the symbol of the Lady of Pain carved in his or her forehead.

The Godsmen have been particularly active, sending out guards near their headquarters, which is The Great Foundry.

Factol Anbar of the Godsmen has been seen in the company of very powerful looking guards.  He didn't employ such guards before the murders began.  The guvnors have offered a substantial reward for information leading to the capture of the murderer.

Some people say the murderer isn't a regular person at all.  He's a monster that's found his way into the city.

Vianna was found in an Athar bunkhouse on Shatter's Row."


Visiting the Athar bunkhouse on Power Road.

In bunkhouse, there are 12 rooms, all very spartan.  Quarters for transient members of the faction to stay.

She was discovered in her straw-filled sleeping stall.  We find some dark brown/red brown stains in the straw.  Find a small patch of black dust under the straw.  Find a strange black feather, its tip stained with some red brown ink.  

The two who were staying at the bunkhouse during the murder:
- Defiant Munrot, halfling.  At night, he saw a priest of Grozomantius.  He heard "all praise to Grozomantius!"

- Kuarri the Ancient, a tiefling.  Unfortunately, Munrut and I were in rooms quite far from Vianna's.  I couldn't hear anything, and I don't think Munrut could have either.  

Kuarri found the body.  We knew she was staying there, and she didn't come out of her room.  It was terrible.  She wore a terrified expression, and it seemed she had two cuts on her on her throat.  On the night of the murder, Defiant was very very drunk.  He thinks he saw a note written on parchment near the body.

- Asking Defiant:  Why did you lie about hearing the screams?
  Defiant Answer: I really heard screams.  Blood curdling screams.  One after another.


Visiting with Library Hobard

According to librarian Hobard, the feather is the feather of a vrock.  A vrock is a bird creature from the Abyss.  The librarian speculated that the blood on the feather could be Vianna's blood.  He suggested we go to A'kin, the friendly fiend.  His shop is in the lower ward.

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